Kollektive for Incubators
Portfolios of opportunities consist of many small bets, placed in the expectation and hope that probability will return a few winners. Having identified the opportunities, maximising that probability is the art of a successful return.
In Kollektive, you can create private spaces and private canvases to expose assumptions, codify plans and develop offerings, as benefactors and investors.
“Build a culture that rewards—not punishes—people for getting problems into the open where they can be solved.”
Ben Horowitz
Author, The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Manage funding & resources
At the early stages of a venture uncertainty is high. Measurement must be more qualitative, based on learning.
Kollektive's simple risk heuristic helps you focus your teams efforts on the areas of greatest risk, whether that's market size or supplier costs. Mistakes are cheaper to correct earlier rather than later, after all.
By monitoring progress against risk, you have a metric to guide growth board decisions about if and when to provide extra resources or funding.
We can't predict the future
The future will diverge from the present.
You have refined processes and best practices for what works today, but what about a methodology for the unknown?
Team Kollektive
Using Kollektive canvases
Ideas can be fragile. You need to surround them with their own lightweight processes in safe spaces, to allow them to find their feet.
Kollektive is a space where the insights and measures you apply nurtures the proposition until you can have the confidence in your investment to take it to market.